What kinds of demos are there?
Are generic demos just as good as targeted ones? Worth the effort? Who should give a demo?
Risks & Rewards…
How do you actually *do* a demo (or present anything, for that matter)?
What should you accomplish in the first, second, and third minute of any presentation/demo?
How to give “qualified yes” instead of a “no”.
Who gets what out of these demos? And finally, we touch on just what an SE is really supposed to be doing, and how to keep your sales reps calibrated.
I have a PPT that is over 460 slides from IBM Japan while over there one trip. That is not a typo.
I had one SE tell e they never have more than 10 slides total-TOTAL. I’ve used that as my guide since. But this is for static, 2D, non-interactive “demos”, and not for more interesting interactive, leave-behind media… I should show some of my portfolio in one of these videos… Would that be of interest?
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